About the US foundation
Founded in April 2019, the Ngari Institute Foundation is a US nonprofit religious corporation with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in Orange County, California. It is a nonsectarian Mahayana Buddhist organization, dedicated to preserving and disseminating Buddha Dharma based on the teachings and guidance of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
The foundation’s mission is to cultivate the practice of compassion and loving-kindness through
two core programs:
two core programs:
ONeRaise awareness and financial support for its affiliate organization, Ngari Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Saboo Village, Ladakh, India, and sponsor education for underprivileged students.
TwoRaise awareness and financial support for Kamalashila Initiative’s Visiting Scholars Program, a research, language, and cultural exchange program, established in 2011 on the campus of University of California, Irvine.
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